Thursday, January 15, 2009

Redder Than You

Hi, we're at -20 degrees. How are you? Do you know what it's like when you step out into the night's air and feel as if your ears are going to fall off? Do you have a nose? It'll be redder than Jenna Jameson's clit after an all-night sex session. Are there boogers in your nose? Gonna feel like a whole mass of 'em decided to band together and get harder than a 10-year old pile of dogshit. Got all your fingers? Aint gonna be able to close your hand, motherfucker.

To all of you that complain while living in 60 degree weather........I say y'all are a bunch o' day old flimsy dirty laundry. I'm a polar bear. 10 degree weather means nothing to me. But at -20 degrees? I'm beginning to wonder if I'm as hung as Sara says I am.

I can be thankful of one thing. The old man didn't reek of messy ass. There is hope in the world for at least one thing went right.

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