Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Spoken To Like A Child

"Never ever be so gullible as to trusting those in politics by turning your back."


Today was historical. Not only do we have our first black president but I got a verbal warning at work. There is nothing better than to now remember the most frustrating event forever and ever. I should be celebrating the leaving of a 'C' student from the most powerful position in the world. Instead, I am cursing the hells of employment.

The most important thing is, of course, Obama. It's fascinating how just the color of his skin has many people up in arms. I'm a realist and know how so many white Republicans see this election as being tainted due to this. Just look at some of the infamous Myspace pictures put up by these people. Yeah, the 'N' word gets thrown around along with how great Jeezus is. Why is it that many sat so quiet while Bush made mistake after mistake? Whites can be extremely dumb, too.

Whatever your belief, I must say that Obama better get to work because this world is beyond a mess/crisis. We've got more people out of work than I've ever seen in my life. It's no longer considered a diss when mentioning the fact you are unemployed. It's just that fucking hard to get a job where you can live while, yes, there are still people too lazy to do anything about it. Hell, no one wants my job and I'll get into that......

Today, I got a verbal warning. I kind of laugh about it because it made me feel like I am back in high school again. Then again, it could be how my boss, younger than me, feels the need to talk down to me. So, I missed one day due to being in Indiana. Ya know what? I've come in extremely sick yet told to work faster/harder. There have been times I've come close to throwing up but I trekked on. This all comes after learning that all this treating us as children is due to our bosses making a little extra change off of our hard work. Do we see a dime?

I'm not the type to not show up for work. I've got a life, ya know? It just so happens to be a bit over an hour away. Nice one if a guy can get it. A job's just......a job. I do it and leave. These aren't the types of people I'd normally hang out with but work with. When I see bad treatment, I'm not going to give it over 100%. What idiot would allow others to make more money off of the sweat of others? You'd be crazy since I see a lot of on-the-job injuries. Ask me about which bodypart feels like it's going to fall off.

Nothing's going to change. I'll probably be getting verbal warning from here on out due to these new policies that come out of nowhere. See? The bad economy gives managers the feeling that they can look down at us while they just stand there watching us run around like little trained maniacs. I'm not one of those. I tend to run with the bad crowd and just do what I am told without all that ass kissing.

Had a good time in Indiana so a verbal warning was worth it. Came back today to a happy little dog and feeling a bit more energetic. Rough sex tends to get things going again all while relaxing the body's frantic state.

One thing is new. I'm now on Facebook. Oh, how I've crumbled and bowed down to the Internet thanks to Sara's signing me up. I'm now faced with possibly talking to people I've not seen for over a decade. Many rightfully so. There's a few I'd like to see what's happened to them but not many. I'm wary of those that wore out their welcomes years ago and I must admit to being easily agitated over old memories that haunt me. We'll see......

So, I leave with a little anger but also happiness. I'm my own person all while being happy that we seem to have a good guy in charge of the U.S. Will people stop hating us? Can we send the racist Republicans into the sea to be shark chum? Happy twats all around.

1 comment:

Samantha Duncan said...

And here I was, thinking you were on FB all along. Welcome to the dark side. And I'd add you, but I can't find you. Send a poke or something!