Thursday, October 23, 2008

Should I?

After almost 3 weeks of not doing an entry, I wonder why I should even come back. I'm just too depressed to find a reason why I should write again. Weird.


Zuzu said...

I know you shouldn't write again simply because I enjoy being a voyeur to your life, but I do. And I hope your wrist gets better - sorry it hurts. And you haven't written too much about your mom in long time. Thoughts are with you. Could it be S.A.D.? When the days get short I often get melancholy, though admittedly it doesn't start for me until closer to the end of November. October still has enough daylight to keep me punchy. - Zuzu

Dr. K said...

It's very rare for you to go so long without an entry. But it's okay. Everyone needs a break sometime. Right now, I don't have the time or energy to update mine (much wash my dishes, do my laundry, clean my house, etc.). I hope you start to feel better soon.