Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Collected In Ass

"It's official. Girlfriends make me fat."


Well, maybe not 'fat' as in huge round belly but more along the lines of putting on a few surprising pounds because we are desperate for Wendy's again. Spicy chicken sandwiches are a known weakness of mine made even worse after 6 Bud Light Limes.

I'm not one to over emphasize my weight. In fact, I like it where it is, 193 pounds and somewhere around the less-than 10% bodyfat range. Trust me. That bodyfat number is far more important than the number of pounds hanging around. It's just that I notice how I always find myself a few pounds more after a trip to Indiana. 2 days later? Gone! Gone like yesterday's fart. It's like clockwork because I stand there on the scale at the gym each morning the day after I get home. Same number of pounds. Day 2? We have lift-off.

No, it's not easy. My body is taking quite a pounding at work thanks to the place being so understaffed. Tempers are short. Big motorcycle dudes look ready to cry. It's not pretty when those wearing leather are forced to show some emotion.

What is fun is working next to the deaf guy. For 3 days in a row, he's been right next to me telling me what an idiot I am in sign language while I tell him about Ghettopoly. It's great when a black guy finds racist board games to be something worth laughing about.

What is weird to me is how I got picked on about bodyhair yesterday. Took a few swings from my lesbian co-worker on the fact that I keep my 'pits smooth. Being told I'm nuts just for having no bush around my cock threw me off because, according to Sara, all the boys in our gang trim the hedges majorly. My only mass comes from my legs, hairy and proud, even if Sara has been hinting I trim them, too.

The one thing that got my attention is how I suddenly learn that black people don't have much hair on their forearms. That girl I was talking about? Brought over some co-workers and showed me how smooth their's are. Fascinating. I've never known that a major difference is just that, hair. Almost makes me want to grab a black person and feel how smooth their forearms are.

Trust me. Its gets far worse in topics when work is still minutes away. Boredom brings stupidity.

The only other thing to say is that I am about to buy a Blu-Ray high definition DVD player. I'm currently researching my options because half a grand is quite an investment. What with the new Batman movie (9th) and Wanted (2nd) due out in December on the format, I want to catch up. I'm kind of a techie weirdo when it comes to my movies, wanting to watch them in the best picture available. That is especially true when The Dark Knight will have portions shown in IMAX viewpoint. Whoo! I saw The Two Towers in that way and was nuts at how amazing this looked.

So, I bid adieu to you all. The best porn of the week is about to happen, Biden versus Palin, in St. Louis. You bet I'll be watching. Will Palin fall harder than shit from an obese child after chilli? Or will Biden continue to run his mouth off on things that might be true but the American cannot understand? I've found Palin to be so close to a few of my old college professors that just couldn't conclude how stories can be seen in different views. Plus, no matter how warm they look in how they dress, it's their sinister ways and you're fucked. You know her Hanes Her Ways are gonna slide up her ass when it comes to getting her to understand that abortion is necessary. Nobody is FOR it but it is reality. Happy twats all around.

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

The spicy chicken sandwich is my favorite!! That and the nacho bell grande.