Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Stare With Me

"On days like these, it's best to find the time to sit there in a chair and do absolutely nothing while staring at the ceiling with a good fuzzy dog that rolled in something stinky earlier on a walk."


So, I sat there. You know those days. They come when you've been told by management that you need to go faster or you let employees' teasing get to you. Sometimes, I just feel so tired and wonder if I'm able to keep up with my co-workers. Pretty much all of them are younger than me. I was only blessed with being able to stay looking young while my insides are falling apart.

Want to know how wrecked a body can get? I have a girlfriend that took off all my clothes on Saturday night in hopes for sex. The only problem was me being half-asleep. While there was enjoyment of my most sensitive parts being licked and sucked on, there was no gas in the system to operate a damn thing. It's funny how I'm a guy that can get an enormous amount of sex from his girlfriend but has allowed himself to succumb to the evils of his body falling apart. Waving a penis at a girl can excite her. Having the energy to keep this up is a whole other story.

Yes, I am fully back from Indiana. It was nice to play house because it made me realize more and more that Sara and I are a couple. Sure, we're still a lil' on the kinky side since she still wants a threesome. I, on the other hand, know that being together roles take place. Sara's in the kitchen while I have to do the heavy lifting or taking trash out.

Here's where I found myself. Sara made impressive meals, an omellete with a whole can of mushrooms and things with pasta for breakfast or dinner. We ate out most of the time but I still noticed. On preparing for the owners coming home, we cleaned various areas. Sara had the kitchen and bathroom while I walked the dog and dealt with the trash. It was weird how we just went off on the roles that called to us. I know nothing on cooking but I can sure as hell attempt to fix a dryer's broken dial or an overfloweth trash can.

You may wonder why things weren't quite as exciting as anticipated. Well, try having a dog that insists on you taking it out at 6am after going to bed near 2am. Then, somehow, you must get up to take it for it's timely walk at around 8am or your shoulder will find some discomfort from it sitting there. Bone Humper has his schedule and it must be stuck to or else! He has, after all, found the ability to pass out on the couch with us well past his bedtime. You'd find it funny, too, when seeing a little dog trying his best to get us to go to bed in the bedroom instead of watching Battlestar Galactica.

Life has been a little weary lately. Sara, as I said before, lost her job. Her creativity in painting has gone way up for some reason. My guess is that all that frustration with work got to her. Another thing is that my own dog has developed cancer. Much of little Jethro's body has lost hair and various problems with his skin have it looking awful. He'll have to be put down soon and I hate knowing this. A Yorkshire Terrier without hair looks pretty bad.

So, as you can see, I'm not completely on the talkative side. While good things have happened and, yes, Sara and I did have 'the sex,' it feels like the world is crumbling down. Man, do we need Obama. The U.S. needs Obama real bad, motherfucker! Happy twats all around.

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