Monday, August 4, 2008

Babe. Not the Pig

"Thanks, babe."

-Me (doing my best to annoy Sara at Target)

I've always found pet names to be too corny for me. Sure, people have them for each other when it comes to being a couple but why? I don't mind the occasional 'sweetheart' but 'hon' and 'sweety-poo' will only irritate me. I'm going to go for the hypocritical route by saying that I get a kick out of old people doing it. When a 70-year-old woman yells out to her husband, "Bitch, get in here!" I get a good laugh.

Though, I do understand the moment when you are in trouble, the full name comes out. Somehow, upon buying a couple of toys at Target, I got a "Michael" instead of the usual "Mike." Of course, that also comes with a certain look.

Loved getting home with no car trouble. Just me on the interstate at a reasonable speed, unlike last time at 90mph. Too much construction on the way made the drive even slower.

Wasn't MTV's True Life segment on deafness cool? I got really lucky to see that because I just happened to be passing channels when I woke up.

I'd like to write more but I've had a very long day. Work went longer than usual on this hot, hot day that found me almost throwing up. My plain white t-shirt looked like a hose hit it full blast. There was no workout due to the very large loss of water that made me so drained when I came home. 5-Pound Phooey, on the other hand, continued to insist I take her on a walk. Impossible. I attempted a nap that was interrupted several times by her need to run along my back. My batteries need a recharge because I've now got shopping to deal with tomorrow. There's lots to tell since Sara and I ended up stuck seeing a movie filled with pathetic attempts of action. If you've seen The Dark Knight, you'll know that movies can be made to greatness. The new Mummy was not even close. Happy twats all around.

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