Monday, January 21, 2008

Mass Hysteria

"Had a few beers, getting high.
Sitting, watching time go by."

-"Kiss Me Deadly" by Lita Ford

Is it wrong to get excited over the fact that there is a sale on Ghostbusters t-shirts at Target? $9.99 is a mighty find price to tell the world all about the dorkiness in you. Or does it say 'loser?' I don't know because I found myself laughing during the movie's playing in Sara's gym. Dogs and cats living together does mean mass hysteria.

I'm in a good mood. Want to know why? I was totally laid by my girlfriend of almost 3 years. There is something about having a girl send her boyfriend off with a fucking-thon where the bed ended up a mess, bodily fluids were left in the sheets, and various small animals could have been hurt if allowed in the bed with us. The best part? Hearing Sara tell me that she's now too sore. Score!

I've got all sorts of things playing through my head thanks to this weekend. Luckily, it all started out with the whole group meeting at a Mexican restaurant. You know what that entails. Bathroom smells that last longer than 15 minutes. Enchiladas may go down easy but don't want to come out so easily.

It is pretty weird to drive a bit over an hour and then find yourself sitting in a restaurant eating chips/salsa so suddenly. Barely a hello and Sara and I along with her roommate end up waiting forever for food with a large group. I can think back a couple years and wonder why I was slightly shy around them. It wasn't until I've had beers, attended parties with them, and sang a major off-key version of Queen's 'Bohemian Rhapsody' that we're all old friends. I like that. Karaoke brings people together almost in the same way alcohol does. That's a major shout out to Norm.

Cheers, stupid.

Stupid song has been playing in my head. "Do your tits hang low? Can you throw them over your shoulder to and fro?" That's a good example of how low I can go.

You pretty much know it by heart. Boy goes to visit girl. Girl, deeply in love with boy, curls up all snuggly during a cold, cold night. What's even better are those deep conversations that no one else seems to have. Sara and I talked about orgies. Better yet, they would come with rules, games, and who we'd invite. The funny thing Sara said was, "Would I have to fuck my friends?" when I asked her about a few individuals on whether she'd invite them.

I don't know if anyone else finds a discussion on orgies as great pillow talk but that's us. Sara and I came up with a few things that I might tell on who I'd want there. It's all hypothetical and in just plain fun because I'm finding out that a few of Sara's friends have been involved in threesomes. Long story. Just know that the Internet is being used for unsavory things that lead to a lot of fun for boys and Myspace.

Did you know the presidential candidate, Huckabee, wants to change the Constitution to make it 'God-friendly?' Scary. Very scary.

So, I'm going to do exactly what I do every time I come home from Indiana at this time. I'm gonna head on upstairs to pass out after a long day. Yes, I worked. Yes, I did all that even after that usual drive home to watch a cop chase after a mack truck. Yes, I'm barely awake after all that and leaving a girlfriend that just told me how sore she is. Not me. This morning, I was a machine, a machine sent from the future to make sure a certain woman lived a life of spankings and laughter at penis wavings. In need of much rest to talk orgies and what Sara got involved in for Valentine's Day. It's really cool to know she's doing this. Happy twats all around.

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