Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Need Sunshine And Nudity

"I feel like I'm waiting.......for nothing.
I float on a line."

-"Cry You Out Of Me" by Sozi

The FX Channel is playing one of my favorite movies of all time, Mr. And Mrs. Smith. Just how many times have I seen it? *Thinks to self* I'd say around 25-30 and it gets better every time I see it. It's definitely one of Sara's favorites, seeing as she has it in her collection of DVDs after seeing it in the theater with me. My guess is that it's kind of personal between us, this movie, because they say that things like this that matter so much might be a basis on our lives. So, I'm Mr. Smith? He's got my issues I have along with a sudden finding out that he enjoys rough sex. How many got turned on at that fight between Mr. Smith and Mrs. Smith? I laughed first, though.

I'm so glad I got all that political discussion done. Just wish someone would say something about it or anything in regards to politics. How can you not understand this: Democrats are good. Republicans are bad.

So, Mississippi is going to allow restaurants to turn away the obese? Wow! I'm impressed with this law or amendment in helping us rid the world of these fucking losers that take it upon themselves to just eat. I've always taken great pride that, even though I have an occasional Cheeto lapse, I still get my butt into the gym.

Now, you might wonder why I'm so hard on the obese. It's simple. Studies have shown that these people have been fucking up health care so much. People say shit about smokers. Cop-out. The obese, those that sit around eating and whining about being 'big-boned,' are sick more often and take up too much space to the point that we now have to add XX-Large as a size more common. If you're going to bitch-out smokers, be fair and add those fat fucks as well. It's also child abuse for the abuse to allow their own kids to take up their bad habits. Sara and I saw a little girl that must have weighed over 150 pounds while sitting with her obese mother. We're talking about a 10-year-old. I barely weighed 75 when I was around that age. Twinkies and macaroni and cheese is not one of the major food groups for everyday life.

Note: I was 165 pounds as a freshman in high school thanks to discovering weight-lifting. Hoo-rah!

Want to know why I'm slightly grumpy and a little bit down? Weather. It's been so fucking bad. Monday was the badass mist. Tuesday was constant rain where floods were everywhere that we've never seen 'em. Today was all about a sudden drop in temps after a very quick heavy snowfall. I've been cold all day and dying to be outside to run around with 5-Pound Phooey. She's been just as grumpy as I am while staring out the window in my room. Putting on a poncho and running from mosquitoes doesn't sound so bad now.

I hate work, too. That's a whole other story with me being slightly depressed. I don't want to do anything that involves going into a giant building and wearing myself out for the almighty dollar. I'm in this thought pattern that I'm too far behind. Flowers and Summer's birthday gift still loom large. It would be different if I walked into a room where Sara insists on curling up underneath a large comforter. I need sunshine and nudity.

What is nice, and might help get me out of a funk, is that I have Thursday and Friday off for next week. Of course, that's Valentine's Day. A boy has to put on a performance in the bedroom after the girl puts on hers in a college auditorium. You know what I'm talking about.

A fellow blogger told me she sees 'The Vagina Monologues' as too feminist for her. While I would have agreed in the past, I don't see much of a problem with getting up on stage and being proud of what's in between my legs. Guys talk about their dicks all the time and it's worse when we're drunk.

The whole concept of the vagina is seeing it as another mouth. One gets fed while the other drains men dry. The Vagina Monologues goes a bit deeper by discussing the major issues not quite as well-known as I thought. Female circumcision or vagina mutilation are still not as frowned upon as they should be. Why? Not as many know of this and it's also seen as okay as long as it's under a religious cree. Freaky to know that a man can cut a woman's body up as long as Allah sees it. No pleasure because the clitoris is cut off and the sex will be painful from the vagina's opening being sewn shut. I'll never forget that woman's book on how she escaped the Muslim tradition her family set out for her. When she was forced to be circumcized, the opening allowed was so small that peeing was extremely painful.

But the males love it. Anytime the vagina's opening is tight, it makes the pleasure so much more enhanced. The wet walls sliding along our cocks give way to a very explosive orgasm that make sex past 10 minutes impossible. It's no wonder Allah is a guy and allowed to have many wives while so many males tell us that being a Muslim is so great. You can keep your women in line with all this religious bullshit. She can't enjoy sex so why would she cheat? She can't leave you because she's uneducated. Score!

So, I'm out of here as I feel like I'm forced to cry myself to sleep. I don't look forward to tomorrow. The cold air with occasional blasts of snow or rain just makes me want to forget all my goals. I float on a line. Happy twats all around


Resa said...

If I'm correct we (MS) didn't pass the obese law. I haven't had time to keep up with it, but I was listening to the radio this morning and they said the bill had been killed. I use to be more up-to-date with my political news, but work has put daily news reading and watching to the side. I'm relying on you to keep me informed. Hope you're weekend is great and that ya'll are able to get ride of that nasty weather soon.

Samantha Duncan said...

I thought you were a Libertarian?