Monday, March 10, 2008

I See London, I See......

Fact: While taking a bath, I can fart so powerful that the bath water will empty out of the tub.

Actually, that's not true at all. Would be kind of cool, though just to find yourself having a rotten day only to discover that great power means a lot of responsibility. Bubbles are still fun to make on your own, though.

So, I am back. Didn't have much time to catch up on blogs thanks to a very busy weekend that started 1 hour from when I got into Indy. One of the guys in the group had a special 'announcement' to make that came in the form of an email. Weird. Never done something like that where an email is given to show to everybody in a living room setting. I'm only there because Sara has been friends with this guy since college. He's big, man. He's really, really big.

After 2 months of dating, our announcer is getting married. Oh, the groans and shrieks of protest poured out that night. How completely crazy to marry someone you still have so much to learn about! I mean, are you compatible with dealing with the other's bad habits? How about sex? Does he/she do it for you? Can you get through a whole month without wanting to kill the other? I'm going on 3 years with Sara and we know for a fact that the two of us are not ready. It's only now that I can handle the fact that girls poop. Sometimes, they poop so big that the room nearby needs to be condemned.

But in all seriousness, I just cannot fathom such a thing, to be married after 2 months. It's nice to see that everyone else in attendance to this announcement saw it as crazy. Hey, we look out for our own. We're for dating a bit longer and knowing, not being against marriage.

It's normal for Sara and I to have dinner with her parents on Sunday evenings so I brought the issue of marriage after 2 months of dating up with them. Oh, I love it when Sara's dad tells it like it is (Remember, I have to be careful as well......) by saying dating should go on for at least 5-7 years. A man after my own heart! Even the guests, an ex-CIA guy and his wife, told us over salad that marriage should not be rushed. Funny to me when Sara's dad pointed out that the guests moved in together and married many years later. There is something to be said when experienced people talk straight while also showing the humor in it all. You can tell they're still in love, too. She looks at him like Sara looks at me.

Oh, and then I get into it about guns while the women cleared the table, Jesse James's death by Robert Ford, and the Lone Ranger movie's introduction, to me, of the gattling gun. Long story short. Guy talk is great after spending 2 days of living with girls, Sara and her roommate. It's kind of like an initiation for me when I tell you that Sara's dad is taking me shooting soon. It's been a long time since I've shot a gun.

Yes, there was sex. It got so insane that I got dizzy and had to take a moment. Sara has an appetite that I, sometimes, find to be a bit too much for me. Could be the weather, too.

Our own announcement came up when I got to Indy. Sara is thinking that instead of Chicago in May it will be a trip to London, England. Whoo! Want to know what's what? I was thinking that, too. I've always wanted to walk cobblestone roads and see where Keira Knightley grew up. Yeah, Sara rolled her eyes because, for her, it's all about the art museums. Well, that, too. May is going to be super busy and expensive but London is just a thought. Knowing Sara, 'thoughts' are very close to being something definite. Got to get a passport.

So, I'm going to stop here for now. The reasons are that I'm super tired and that a fellow blogger has been showing up in my sex dreams a bit too often. Dammnit, Summer! Where in the hell did you learn that I liked that!?! Oh, this blog has been too open and such so it's my fault. The best part is that Sara told me that if she ever got a hold of Keira's panties, she'd give 'em to me. That, my friends, is a very, very special woman. More on that later. Happy twats all around.

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Yes we do poop! All the time (well most of us do - I only do it a couple times a weeks). And we fart too! Sometimes smelly ones.

And please, do tell. What was it that I was doing to you in these dreams??? Sounds interesting.