Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Permanent Headache

"Ever had one of those days where you shouldn't have woken up because the headache started in the morning and hasn't stopped since? Welcome to my day."


Found out I have a little work to do on my Halloween costume for the big party. Would you believe I have to have help on tying a very important part? I'll probably go the short cut way by looking up how to keep my pants up even if girlfriend would rather have them down.

It's weird how I realize that my life has changed into this. There is no shyness in any form when it comes to Sara's friends. We've hung out a lot, houses and parties here and there. This will be my life, I know. Sara has pointed out that when I move into her town things will be so easy to accept. I've known these people for almost 4 years, even if some took longer than others. We've all got our hang-ups and prejudices. Playing the boardgame, Ghettopoly, late at night brings out the inner gangster that just won't die til the last dolla has been taken out of cold dead hands. You'll learn a lot when it comes to other people's weaknesses, such as Sara's persuasions to sell her property. Happy twats all around.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Out Of Mind, Out Of Sight, Bitch

"You know what? Some racist board games can be livened up when your piece is a bag of weed and someone plays the pimp."


Just to show you how serious politics has become, Sara and I spent much of Friday night watching the debate. You could hear the howls of laughter when it came to McCain acting as if Obama didn't even exist. That's pretty much how its become for this Republican, ignore logic and consider yourself a complete success even if your next-in-line is dumber than a kid that spends hours watching poop drip off a stick.

I know you expected more. What with Sara's period due soon, sex is out of the question. A handjob would be nice but I'm just too disappointed in how a 72-year-old man thinks it's okay to behave like his rival is totally beneath him. I've come across people that think their disastorous decisions are the smartest no matter how many times the bad effects will be obvious. It's sad because Main Street is being treated so badly while the rich continue to get richer.

Sara and I were in the kitchen last night and she asked me where Sammy is. Like I've said before, I don't care. There are people you meet in life. Then, there are people you meet over a computer that shock you by showing what uncaring morons they can be. Sara and I had quite a laugh over her dislike in Obama being president. Sammy wants a 'hardass!?!" We've had one for 8 fucking years so, yes, the idiots seem to continue to come from Texas.

Also spent much of Sunday dealing with someone's engagement ending. Sad, too. Her fiancee cheated on her with some girl from Facebook. It's the new place to pick up your narcisstic ho's these days. Even one of Sara's friends uses a similar website just to get laid on the weekends. It's weird how the Web makes people braver.

So, I am outta here as I continue to try and cool off a bit. Nice weekend but it was so draining at times. A long night of playing a very racist/offensive boardgame called "Ghettopoly" was nice but all the beer made me feel like shit as the night wore on. Lost all my crackhouses when I couldn't come up with enough stolen cash to pay for landing in a strip joint. Lovely. Happy twats all around.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Fuck It To Death

"My blog kills fascists."


Been tickled over the latest issue of Men's Health. There is a very large article on the penis. Lovely to know that someone is looking out for us guys and our equipment. Even better is a small portion of words is given to a woman and what she thinks when pants are unzipped to expose the purple-headed-warrior. There is no thinking! Out of the pants, pass the gums, look out tummy, for it will cum!

As much as I would love to tell you that life is great, well, it's just shit. To think that our president has the balls to order $700 billion to a guy without any question or else the economy will tank scares me. How dumb are we? Obviously, the average joe is pretty much dumb as shit since there are still people that support Bush and believe Obama is a Muslim. Laughing? Rush Limbaugh went on about how he's Arab and this is pretty recent. Sometimes, I wonder just how much the average American knows since voting for McCain pretty much worsens everything. We'd be a heartbeat away from a woman that knows more about hiding her panty lines than what the definition of 'maverick' is.

No, I didn't finish reading the article on penises. I'm sure I'll be tittalated beyond words when it comes to just how average mine is or how much I can ejaculate. Did you know that 270 million sperm are in each squirt? I know for a fact that I can do it 2 to 3 times til the rest just drips out. I've always found it funny how every girlfriend I've had loves to watch. Eyes roll back, breathing goes into some insane sounds, and the toes curl. What doesn't a girl love?

My Halloween costume was ordered. $133 total, yo. Damn, this better be some fine craftsmanship for that amount. I always said that if I find this thing, I'd buy it. With a pair of jeans, this costume will get some looks because everyone knows who these bad boys were in that movie.

Still miserable at work. My back is a bit sore and that evil manager was back today with a vengeance. It's nothing personal but if you start to get into it with me on things beyond my control, I'm gonna give it a go in your face. I did. Nobody puts Ultrarooster in a corner. Nobody.

So, I'm gonna go now. Hopefully, y'all are having a better time than I. Nothing but sad news makes on the local newscenters makes me miserable. I'm sensitive to stupidity. Gonna head on out to Indiana on Friday because of the town's big event that I go to every year. Fortunately, there is beer as well. Happy twats all around.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Drunk Wal-Mart Runs

"Well, a big 'DUH' to you, too!"

-Me (on Clay Aiken's admittance to being gay)

Call me old-fashioned but if something quacks like a duck it is a duck, dammit. There is no hiding behind some of the most insane lies ever made up. While I may not have the most prestigious gaydar on the planet (Yes, I was one of the last 2 people on this planet that thought George Michael was straight til, like, 1995 or so), Clay Aiken's coming out just screams of a chance to cash in somehow. It's been a while since he's made any real money. Those that hide for so long need money at some point when no one seems to notice them anymore. Remember Lance Bass of NSYNC? Attempt to put some form of literature out in hopes that you'll be remembered.

Yes, there are some days that I absolutely hate my life but, so far, I have yet to feel the need for a tell-all book. How far along til I admit that, yes, I once thought girls didn't poop. It stayed with me til I had to walk into the bathroom after a lovely girl that lived at the house we were staying at in Florida left the room with the most foul smelling stench I had ever come across. I still want that t-shirt with the slogan, "Girls Don't Poop."

Found my Halloween costume. My possibles were being Tyler Durden of Fight Club or David of The Lost Boys. For the latter, I'd dye my hair blonde, add fangs, wear a long coat, pierce my ear, and try to look menacing instead of my old goofy self. Fight Club would have been interesting because Sara says I've got the body for it all while always wearing the kind of pants Tyler would. Yes, this is the Brad Pitt character that breathes a sense of honesty on how fucked up our lives are and they are ticking away so fast over our obsessions to own more stuff. Tyler wouldn't be too hard since I can easily make my hair that rumpled spikey look easily. Just add bruises and that nappy bathrobe that Sara finds amusing. I'm pretty sure it had a flower pot on the chest. I'm not sure if I'd be totally comfortable in a bathrobe all night at the house party being planned.

As for what I want, I can't give it away.......yet. I'm totally for clues, though, so here goes. It's a gi from an 80's movie, all black, sleeveless, says "Johnny" on the side, and just so happens to be one of the costumes I talked about over and over with when I lived in college with a roommate also obsessed with it. Oh, and I have to dye my hair blonde, too. Enough clues? Remember it's the moment of truth and it's all on the line.

If you figure this out, I will send you a DVD, Brotherhood Of the Wolf, a French movie obsessed with the possibility of a large wolf ravaging the area and martial arts. The lovely actress Monica Belucci bares her famous breasts all while being a spy for the Pope. I've got other DVDs......

So, the weekend? Tiring. Absolutely tiring. Sara and I are always busy thanks to dinners, get-togethers with friends, and this weekend brought about a lot of planning for the art thingee. There was no sex. I felt lucky enough to have 4 beers during our Beer Trek night. Then again, those beers might have cost me my sanity because I was then in Wal-Mart late at night buying GIJoes with an annoyed Sara next to me. I love Storm Shadow, okay. My favorite characters are silent but deadly.

Girls just have to accept it that boys will always like their toys.

I've already explained the cat issue. I'm not kidding about how annoying was to be pounced on as it raced to the window. The worst part is when my skin is cut open by a claw or two because it will itch terribly due to allergies. Itchy feet or legs do not make sleeping easy, especially when the girlfriend is snoring loudly next to my left ear.

Oh, and, yes, girls fart in their sleep. Not going to name any names here.......

So, hit the road, jack. I'm gonna stop here. I've got a bunch of graphic novels to read, Wolverine and various others. It's nice to see that there are some adult types that tell it like it is. We fuck, suck, and sometimes drink too much. Sometimes, we guys like to stick our fingers in girls' asses just to get rid of that insane fantasy of wanting to know what's up there. Would you believe a girl writes about that? Happy twats all around.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Them Women-Folk

"Sometimes, I really don't get a cat's mental issues."


Ever had a moment where you desperately need to sleep? You absolutely have to be up early for something important. It may or may not be something to do with you directly but it's a need for you to be there. Funny how you forget to close the door because that just means the cat's out and it's time for some sort of insane in the membrane need to pounce all around the bed.

Trust me. I was not happy at all to find myself being awakened again and again by a small white cat owned by Sara's roommate. She's cute, the cat, I'll give her that. It's just that nighttime means a sudden insane urge to run all around the apartment by taking point over all windows. It's basically a cat guarding at its best time, when it's more awake after sleeping the whole day on the couch in my rumpled old sweatshirt. I have to be awake and out of bed by 7AM. Cat decides to jump in bed with me over and over again to see if her 'gentleman caller,' a black cat, has decided to shake his black ass near the window.

It's Ebony and Ivory!

That's pretty much what happened Saturday night that has me so, so tired today. Sara needed me with her for the art showing in the park. Starts at 10AM but needed an early start for set-up. The scene was basically me attempting sleep at 2AM while Sara is busy pounding away at the computer for last-minute preparations. Cat is busy playing peek-a-boo in the window next to me. I have now decided to annoy Cat during her afternoon naps chasing it around the apartment.

Cat will probably retaliate by shitting in my shoes.

It's been a long weekend, folks. Spent a lot of Sunday in the park for this arts thingee that Sara participated in. Fun, too, once the first hour had me settled in. Another couple, one Sara and I have known for some time, was also there. That meant I could find myself away from the women-folk for much needed macho time. You might consider it a bust but not I. We men-folk spent much bitching about why the women-folk no longer clean up after themselves. Funny to you that this meant I listened as the guy described the horror of having to do all the vacuuming himself.

Oh, lordy, I cried!

So, excuseth me as I tend to some much needed sleep. I needeth the gym to escape this feeling that I am now one of the ordinary human-folk, the 90% that have accepted being fat. There is much to do when I feel a loss in strength and sleep. Happy twats all around.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sexxed Out

"When it comes to keeping people's interests, doing something fast only makes them react in a hostile manner. Slow, on the other hand, forces them to become confused and much more interested."


Funny thing I find about myself when I'm sick. I don't care about you. Seriously, all I want to do is recover as fast as possible. There is no interest coming from me when it comes to knowing how you are doing. No hits to your statcounter from me. It's all about getting me back into being able to fuck or else my girlfriend is going to be mad that I don't put out.

For those of you that have read my blog(s) for quite some time, this is nothing new. I'm a bit on the crazy side when it comes to ridding my body of sickness or anything foreign causing issues within. If I could describe myself in one word, it would be 'crazy.' I'm insane with the issue of getting better. Don't try this if you did not take the time to give yourself an athletic body.

Ridding the body of poisons is basically done by sweating them out. We already know my body overheats a lot, part of the reason I'm rarely sick. Colds or the occasional flu are all I get. Just ask Sara how sleeping with me is hell during the summer but nice in the winter. I'm a never-able-to-turn-off furnace so I've always found it wise for me to overheat my body. No sauna. I'm in an air-conditioned room doing things to cause me to sweat even more.

Give me 15-minutes and I'll make you feel so good. No, you don't have to bend over and raise your skirt. Push-ups and side lateral raises did the trick today. My sweat was pouring out of me. As a result, I feel pretty much close to 100%. A nasty cold (or flu) can go by rather quick. The trick is to wait for the body to feel as good as it can get during all this. For me, it's after dinner. My body has more energy than previously so up the stairs I go into a room to do push-ups, etc. It's not easy. For me, I get angry at myself when I can't reach my goals set for when I was not sick. Didn't reach the 50 push-ups in a row? I'm just too weak.

Do you remember the exact moment you realize you are getting sick? Weird how I am obsessed with this. Laying around in bed for 3 little naps does it. Sex. I'm normally much more of a machine that allows Sara orgasm after orgasm but not that time. A few were given but I was spent too soon. I should have paid more attention and started ridding my body of the poisons earlier.

Note: I am still fuming over Sarah Palin's charging rape victims for the rape kits used on them. Have you ever heard such lunacy? That pretty much blames the victims yet there are people really willing to vote her in as vice president. The really sad part is that there are women wanting this just because she is a woman with 5 kids so she must know how they feel. Until they get raped.........

3 short naps interrupted by a small dog telling me she is hungry makes you think a lot. Not being at work had me hating the fact that I was doing nothing but not looking forward to the push-ups needed to sweat out the poisons. My life has weird issues.

So, of course, you should know I am leaving this Friday for Indiana. Sara has an art exhibit that we've been preparing for. Takes place this Sunday so I'll be out there setting up and taking things down. Might even find myself with a burrito from Moe's. Might find my drop-kicking a Republican that says Palin is a gift from God. Politics are driving our family dinner nights to new hights of yelling. Can't we all just enjoy the grilled salmon? Not with me and my big mouth. Happy twats all around.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Two words: I'm sick. So, if you need me, I'll be in bed reading the comic strip, 'Get Fuzzy.' There's something about a demented cat paired with a gullible dog all living with a Red Sox fan. Call me sentimental but that's what I like when I walk as if I belong in the Special Olympics for the elderly.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Got Vagina?

"That's because we had to have the sex."

-Sara (her explanation as to why I was so tired today)

Ever found yourself so physically drained recently? I'm wondering if it's all got to do with politics. I'm wondering if it's trying to see the logic in McCain's reasoning as to why we aren't allowed to ask Palin the tough questions. She's a chick. So, the fuck what!?! If some psychotic religious windbag that just so happens to be a female decides to play the I've-Got-A-Vagina Card so I don't have to tell you where Israel is, then I'm gonna have use my trusty ol' hammer o' reasoning. If it smells like shit, it's shit, yo.

Chicks, man. To think that it isn't a rumor that rape victims in Palin's place had to pay for their own rape kits.......

I'm just out of the it. All that driving home or to Indiana on the interstate has me feeling like I'm on tour. It's not easy staying awake only to find yourself not able to plop down in front of the TV. That's after you put away clothes, play with the dog, find something to eat, carry all the luggage in the house, deal with dumb questions as you enter said house, and hope nobody pooped before you enter the bathroom for a bath.

What we did in Indiana was pretty much prepare for Sara's art show that takes place outdoors. It got moved from this past weekend to this week's. Rain. Yeah, it was nasty and didn't make my depression go away. Well, it is nice to have an excuse to stay indoors, watch House on the DVD player, and take in the quietness from painting. What do you do? Sleep some more?

So, I'm going to head on up to deal with some major newspaper reading as I always do when I come home. Nothing's over because I have to go back to Indiana on Friday night. I'm so tired that I really just want to end this entry as one that is too weird for those that don't keep busy in their lives. Happy twats all around.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Across My Idiotic Issues

"Putting together a website's personal jukebox is hard. Do I put the video of 'Woman Playing Wii Naked' next to 'Cat Using Karate On Dog' or is it best to just let nature take its course? Anything with Elton John is pretty much a wild card."


Yeah, I've been sitting here trying to figure out how to order around my selection on Dailymotion, a website that collects some great videos that aren't exactly Youtube friendly. I've enjoyed playing around with my tastes in only a limited amount of areas. Yes, there are the obvious sex stuff where the Nintendo Wii forces an amazingly fit woman to forget her clothes but it's all about the weird things that someone in another country find more up their alley. Ya mean they like Bruce Horsnby's "Across the River," too!?!

I thought I was the only one that couldn't get enough of Bruce.

Only one more day of work til I get a nice long rest. I need it. To give you an idea of how bad I am, I didn't attend a workout this morning. That's just not me. What is me is a guy that goes to sleep very sore all over. I may be able to sleep. I may be able to fall hard but that doesn't mean I enjoy all the pain in knowing I have this amazing ability to carry heavy objects for a ridiculous period of time. What I hate is knowing that it starts all over again tomorrow.

My smelly stuff looks like a chemistry set in the bathroom. I'm not kidding. You open the cabinet to find this large row of various liquids that help my long hot bath smell so much better. Today, I got lime. To smell much better all because I realize that the smell of a freshly bathed woman makes me forget all about the pain is what I aim for.

But hey, I smell good! Well, after work is definitely a no-no. After a bath, the whole room smells of lime, orange-ginger, and some things you'd more often find in women's bathrooms rather than this boy's. I love it. Bath & Body Works is a bit on the expensive side but, hey, I'm so worth it. $150 worth of this shit sends my mind into a nice tizzy. Sara says I've gone 'girly.'

Girls, if your ass smells like orange-ginger, you will be laid out on the bed with a nose in between your legs in five minutes flat.

Still wishing I had gone to the funeral. Bastard manager.

Must be off. I've got a graphic novel to read, The Runaways, and hope that my left eye heals. The allergies have irritated it immensely. When this happens, I get so many eye boogers that it's not funny anymore to say the word 'booger.' Did you know a nickname for cocaine is 'booger sugar?' I learned that today. Now get in the tub with some orange ginger and tell your boy to fuck you like an animal. Happy twats all around.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Mr. Not Ducks

"Do you know what 'feeding the ducks' means?"


I was supposed to be at a funeral today. There is a reason for my major mistake of being at work instead. My manager. The mean 'little boy' that insists he rules all would never allow me to take a day off so suddenly. Sure, I could call in sick or hurt but it's too soon in the week for that. I'm hoping my sore ankle and tired upper back can hold out til I have to leave on Friday for Indiana. Yes, I feel bad that I wasn't able to attend the funeral but you really have to see this boy king.

Here it is as best as I can put it. A friend from high school that I graduated with died last week. It was a Monday evening where his body was found in my gym's locker room. Heart attack. Weird, considering how young he is. Not surprising to me in how this once very muscular guy, now a bit puffy, looked like he pushed his body a bit too far each night. The number of standing bicep lifts and squats were major. Still, he was a bit on the puffy side with a round face that once was attached to the body of a young Mike Tyson.

How well did I know him? Somewhat. I'd run into him every 2-3 months. Sometimes, it was more because he'd come into the gym around the time I was about to leave. We'd always say hi to each other. Even high school was kind of weird. Many of our blacks didn't hang with the whites so much but this guy did. Ignore that body and those enormous tattoos. The boy was goofy as fuck and fun to be around.

To the girl with the warped mind that hints I might be racist. In my high school, I hung around a lot of different types of people and, yes, there were a lot of blacks, male and female. It was weird to just get along with almost everyone but I did. While many whites would be scared off by the types I knew, nothing really fazed me. These were the black guys that everyone would think were gang members thanks to their styles and tattoos. Show them some pathetic white boy moves and, boy, you are stylin'! What I am critical of is how a vast majority of black teens do not see how stupid their behavior is. It's gotten to the point that I wonder if they even try to learn in today's world or just give up in hopes of becoming the greatness rappers talk about, bragging about nothing.

I should have been at the funeral and, yes, that was all I thought about at work today. I signed the memorial, though. Hopefully, all 240 pounds is still smilin' on me.

So, 'feeding the ducks' comes up because an Asian girl walked with me today. 5-Pound Phooey was amusing enough to her that she took her earphones out to talk as we passed her by. Her sweatsuit top to force the body to perspire more got my attention. The whole thing was mutual that we had to walk together where we ended up at the park's bridge to feed the ducks. I asked her if she knew what the term meant and instantly got a laugh. Of course, she knew. All Asian women find this funny.

'Feeding the ducks' is when an Asian woman cuts off her cheating husband's penis and feeds it to the ducks. That way, once it's down the ducks' throat, there will be no chance for him to get it reattached. Too bad the infamous Mrs. Bobbit didn't realize this. Instead, the cops used a cocker spaniel to find the damn penis after it was thrown out the window of her car.

Bad joke. I know.

I cannot imagine a morning where I am awakened by the usual swelling of morning wood only to look down and see that the damn thing aint there. It's very rare to not have to press down on the penis's base in order to not pee on the windows first thing in the morning.

So, there you go. I'm in my usual state of frustration. Oh, how I'd love to be completely passed out on the floor like so many of these college girls. What makes a person want to share a picture of themselves passed out with their thongs very visible and drool coming out? Is it really funny when a girl pees her jeans and shows everyone the massive puddle? That all reminds me of how I first realized a drunken woman can piss like a racehorse. My friend told me to hold her panties while she pulled up her skirt to bend over and release the most amazing pee stream that nailed the wall in the alley. It was a day that I suddenly became one of those boys that realized that women do not pee by magic after all even if it seemed like the whole area was one giant mass of steam afterwards. Happy twats all around.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Your Thong Smells

"I'm seasonal. Tonight, I sat on my bedroom floor and started thinking up plans for my Halloween costume. How bloody am I going to look? Who could I offend? Damn, I'm going to find myself with a pack of Marlboros to kick!"


New me. New fucking me tonight. I've gotten over myself when it comes to my frustration with people not remembering my feelings. Who cares? Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein, and a lot of other things so many morons cannot afford came over. Materialism has cooled me off.

I'm kind of in a weird mood. There is anger but I really did come up with various things to be on Halloween if there is another party like last year. How could I forget my ingenius look of becoming the nation's most famous dog abuser, Michael Vick. Many took offense while others found it crafty. It just depends on your point of view. Personally, it was a great way to get rid of that football jersey, by smearing fake blood all over it. Let me tell ya, walking into a college restaurant like that causes a lot of freaked out looks.

So it's now all about how poor Palin cannot handle her vice presidential run with McCain. If you want to get into the fire, bitch, ya gotta burn! How pathetic to find that there is a large amount of women that will vote for McCain all because they feel she is being victimized. What did they put in their butts!?! Palin has attacked Obama before the man said a word about her. Since when does one not expect to have various questions thrown during politics? This world if full of idiots but surprises me in how very few question a woman that wants to make abortion evil, even for rape victims.

Got raped? Gonna have to have that bastard child swoop right outta your pussy. Gonna have to raise it. Why? Because Palin, the religious nuts, and McCain want no child to go without a chance at life. If that bitch is forced to sit with a down-syndrome child thanks to a possible heavy drinking moment where it's the only way to get the religious bitch to put out, we all have to pay.

To me, it's just goo. While everyone goes loopy over how great conception is, no one questions the dying sperm that end up on Sara's various body parts. Apparently, abortions don't go along the lines of what ends up on a towel. It's eggs. All eggs are sacred. All eggs are great! Forgive me, Monty Python, for I have sinned.

And to end this, I'd just like to say that I really don't know where I am going with this, this blog. I'm learning that I am quite the sap to keep this going even after the same shit happens to me over and over. Generally, people are just assholes only out for themselves. If you question or try to show what is wrong, they'll use whatever greatness they learned in school to just tell you you are a fucking fuck for having feelings. Life goes on. Got paid in puke? Lick it up, baby. Lick it up. Oh, how I love it when I'm in a calm mood that deals with the most damning consequences. Department stores do that to me. Happy twats all around.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Fuck Plano

"Sometimes, the loveliest of lovelies, 'C' word, comes to mind."


What a crock of shit! Thanks to feeling as low as can be from the lack of a couple people not wishing me a happy birthday, I am taking my ass on a shopping spree. The new book, Playboy's Complete Centerfolds, smelly stuff for the bath, and other things just tell me I'm not done. There were no gifts since that's not how my parents roll. I'm fine with that. All I wanted was for someone to really send me a meaningful birthday wish or email. Not one.

It's all up to Ralph Lauren and Calvin Klein to send me love as I'm off to Macy's after my workout. Fuck you to those that made me feel like I'm not worthy of their time. There is no excuse as to forgetting because I talked about my birthday in entries read. The next time it's your birthday, no longer think I will care.

So, I'm off. To sum it all up, while I had a nice quiet time this weekend thanks to the girl on the rollerblades that came and talked to me while 5-Pound Phooey was at my side, I still felt bad. Me drowning in a lake kept popping up as a way to make myself feel better. Come to think of it, it was rather nice of the cute opinion filled girl to chat away with me. My own girlfriend said she'd write back but didn't. Yeah, we celebrated last weekend but I'm lost as to what to do about her. And you think you have problems? Happy twats all around.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Drink Heavily

"I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in."

-Me (loved this line from a song in The Big Lebowski's soundtrack)

Did you watch McCain's speech? Nothing really to note. Avoidance of all things we need to know, like how a cranky old man is going to keep us all snug in our homes or out on the streets in boxes the same way he lived in Vietnam after getting captured. Somehow, I think McCain wants us all to feel like a POW.

Funny how McCain said he wasn't going to be dealing with special interests. Lo and behold a bunch of big money paying people got special seats. That's like a girl with fake tits telling a guy to be honest with her.

So, I'm in a bit of a disarray. Work is the usual craziness of having to try and do as much as I can with a guy that enjoys yelling when it's obvious he's the one that should be doing something. Got off early because he's annoyed that his words don't get to me as much. For my new co-workers, I told them not to worry so much. This little line-manager cannot do the firing of employees. It's the good guy I like that will. He likes me. Little line-manager is going to be gone sometime because it's just not possible for someone to think he rules your life through a job.

The other thing on my mind is Sara's asking of me to move in with her next year, possibly August. It's nice to be thought of as someone wanted to keep an apartment's warmth. There's just a few catches. Sara has a few habits that can really wear me down. The other is finding a new job in a tough economy. I may hate my job but, as of now, it hasn't gotten to me just yet. The amount of freedom is important to me.

Sara and I are weird. We argue a lot. Just about every visit ends up with something irritating her or my frustration with her losing her phone/keys/meds/item of importance. There is no definitely perfect moment. I will always have to spend time looking for something or driving back to get something after I had asked her whether she had everything. I'm not kidding on how irritated I am getting at this point. This comes because I am the one that gets yelled at by her over little things while I sit back as she runs around looking for keys.

As for this possibility of moving in, it's up in odds. I'm a bit too depressed to really see things as great. My line-manager has me holding back a large amount of anger within. While there are moments where I can release it in the gym, there are events where I sleep thinking up how great it would be to see a steamroller run him over.

My birthday itself was okay, very low-key due to finances. I'm okay with that because my body is worn the fuck out from work. A part of me misses how great it was in college to find so many people wanting to celebrate your birthday. Done a beer bong of rum? Did that! Lost my footing and cookies in the bar right after. With Sara, I was kind of hoping the whole gang would get together over me, the Beer Trek crew. Maybe I don't know them well enough to warrant such a thing.

For the record, I am not happy that my birthday is this Saturday. I'll be recovering from the latest crap brought on by work.

Do I sound depressed? We've had rain all fucking day and even tonight. While I love rain and how it cools things down, there is a time for it to stop. I walk through a large parking lot to a place I now hate working at and see people with their heads down because of no longer feeling good enough. I need to start drinking heavily. Bud Light Limes, please! Happy twats all around.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Ah's Gets Mah Water

"You can easily tell that it's raining when you look into our backyard. There will be 3 little dogs sitting underneath the grill not willing to come out to pee."


Since I'm a bit too busy due to all the craziness at work, I'll keep this short. Plus, those Republicans just make me laugh too much with their empty promises of the usual. No talk of the economy but, hey, let's bash Obama and the greatness he's become. Maybe there is a reason why so many people like him.

We had an episode at work today where the manager went completely berserk. In all my life, I've never seen a grown man go nuts as he did today. Screaming and yelling over things he should have done to keep things going. None of us could live up to his expectations. That's not the way things should be done. While I do believe that a manager doesn't have to be liked. He certainly has to lead in a way that justifies what he wants. Yeah, it's okay for him to get some water to drink but not us. Nope, we're the lowest of the low. Never mind the tragic amount of sweat dripping from our foreheads.

So, go to bed. I'm much too tired to get into things, seeing as I'm a mix of anger and piss. Loved how I stood up to the manager by telling I'm getting water whether he allows me to or not. Fuck him! The little midget cannot stop me. I do my work but I need to keep my body cool enough from faint. Happy twats all around.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Not Without My Razor

"You know it by heart. When you start to hear Tom Petty sing 'Free Ballin', that means I am back from Indiana with no undies on."


Glory be! I am back in one piece. Even after a long day at work where I got yelled at by an incompetent boss, I come around the hard way. There is nothing like driving a little guy nuts over the fact that his words have no effect on you. I'm bigger. My wardrobe costs more than all his materialistic effects. People like me and, gosh darn it, I've got balls bigger than his ears.

Long weekend as usual. Sara and I are not a boring couple. There's always something. For instance, I woke up to find Sara and I accused by her leechy roommate as to whether one of us used her razor. Let me be clear. I picked it up off the wet floor and it might have collected a lot of various hairs. This girl doesn't clean up after herself so someone has to explain that those armpit/leg/pubic hairs are hers and hers alone. I hated having to explain the orange razor's reason for being moved on the bathtub first thing this morning.

Now, if only Sara would stand up a bit to this roommate, especially her need to hog the DVR by saving ALL the fucking tennis games on it and leave her dirty towels on the bathroom floor for the cat to pee on...........

Had a very nice early birthday dinner provided by Sara's mom. I joked about grilled salmon only to have it actually happen along with her amazing mac n' cheese. Left the home feeling like I put on 15 pounds because it all ended with cheesecake, orange icing cheesecake. Trust me. I was a mess as I washed all that down with a Bud Light Lime.

Of course, my birthday isn't til this Saturday. This will be a day of rest so I will be here in town. Great. I feel like I can finally get some sleep because I spent 3 days with nightmares in Sara's bed. Just look at the sweaty sheets I left that poor girl. The nightmares are something I'll tell you about later. They were brought on pretty fast thanks to a conversation I had in a restaurant, my nightmares but Sara's mom's happiness.

Right now, this boy that is totally freeballin' is in the middle of a weird apocalypse movie called Doomsday. The director, Neil Marshall, did some of my favorite horror movies, Dog Soldiers and The Descent. Basically, a whole country is being ravaged by a virus called the Reaper Virus. There's the following movies all blended in to show tribute to, Aliens, Road Warrior, and so on. You'll pick up on what I'm getting at right away. If cannibalistic freaks gets your panties wet, by all means watch Doomsday.

Other than that, I've had quite a laugh at a few comments from Sammy. Sara got a kick out them, too. I'll never understand that kind of thinking but I welcome another side to what it's like to not be on the meds the doctors urge a girl to take.

So, I am outta here, seeing as there will be a much to tell about tomorrow. My nightmares? Easy to discuss. Hard to understand. I'm so wanting to just sleep after a long drive just to get chewed out by an idiot manager. Sure, we make good money. Why can't the business provide people with the type that obtained educations? Happy twats all around.