"You know what? Some racist board games can be livened up when your piece is a bag of weed and someone plays the pimp."
Just to show you how serious politics has become, Sara and I spent much of Friday night watching the debate. You could hear the howls of laughter when it came to McCain acting as if Obama didn't even exist. That's pretty much how its become for this Republican, ignore logic and consider yourself a complete success even if your next-in-line is dumber than a kid that spends hours watching poop drip off a stick.
I know you expected more. What with Sara's period due soon, sex is out of the question. A handjob would be nice but I'm just too disappointed in how a 72-year-old man thinks it's okay to behave like his rival is totally beneath him. I've come across people that think their disastorous decisions are the smartest no matter how many times the bad effects will be obvious. It's sad because Main Street is being treated so badly while the rich continue to get richer.
Sara and I were in the kitchen last night and she asked me where Sammy is. Like I've said before, I don't care. There are people you meet in life. Then, there are people you meet over a computer that shock you by showing what uncaring morons they can be. Sara and I had quite a laugh over her dislike in Obama being president. Sammy wants a 'hardass!?!" We've had one for 8 fucking years so, yes, the idiots seem to continue to come from Texas.
Also spent much of Sunday dealing with someone's engagement ending. Sad, too. Her fiancee cheated on her with some girl from Facebook. It's the new place to pick up your narcisstic ho's these days. Even one of Sara's friends uses a similar website just to get laid on the weekends. It's weird how the Web makes people braver.
So, I am outta here as I continue to try and cool off a bit. Nice weekend but it was so draining at times. A long night of playing a very racist/offensive boardgame called "Ghettopoly" was nice but all the beer made me feel like shit as the night wore on. Lost all my crackhouses when I couldn't come up with enough stolen cash to pay for landing in a strip joint. Lovely. Happy twats all around.
Ha. It's funny that you call out McCain for his shitty debating, but you hardly mention the fact that for every time he condescendingly said, "Obama doesn't seem to understand," Obama just as stupidly said, "John McCain is right." So much for getting anything out of the debates.
And...I'm here, by the way. Do you need my blog address yet again? Because I'm still not sure what you want from me. You say rude, untrue things about me in your blog and almost never comment on stuff in my entries, yet I'm somehow supposed to lavish you with love and attention? Sorry, I'm not that kind of "friend". And I'm not very easily guilt-tripped into doing things, so just because you're slightly more needy than most and request (quite bluntly) more attention than online friendships are really suited for doesn't necessarily mean you're going to get it. It's a simple fact of life that you can't always get what you want, so you might want to get used to it. Because in the real world, we don't sit around and bemoan the fact that we only got one hug today instead of our usual three.
Fyi, whether you meet a girl on Facebook or Diaryland, it's really just the same thing. So I don't know why you're dissing it.
You've constantly become a thorn on my side with how you just lash out at anything I call you out on.
Actually, you've got that backwards, you're the one who lashes out whenever I call you out on something. I've realized there's no point in trying to do so, because you don't seem to want to be accountable for the things you say (i.e. calling black people uneducated and lazy, but denying you're a racist).
You also don't seem to want to be in control of your own happiness. I know people like you, who obsess over their birthday and go around telling everyone about it a month in advance. That's fine and dandy, but if you want everyone to celebrate your birthday, why not throw yourself a party? Instead, you blatantly go on about when it is and what you want, then take offense when you don't get it. It's like that stupid Sweet Sixteen show, where the girl begs and begs for a Hummer, then throws a tantrum when she doesn't get it. It just doesn't work that way; you have to earn people's friendship, not demand or expect things from them.
I'm absolutely happy with my life, and I don't know what it is that makes you think otherwise. But when I'm in a bad mood, at least I take credit for it. Every bad mood you have is blamed on something or someone else. Your birthday sucked because no one wished you. Your day sucked because of the weather or the economy or the Bush administration. It just goes on and on, and it makes me sad that you don't seem to want to take control of your own destiny, so to speak. I mean, I can be as passive as the next person sometimes, but I've learned that if I want something, I should go and get it instead of sitting around whining about how it didn't come to me.
I don't feel hurt by what you said, just continuously confused as to what you want. Like I said, guilt-tripping doesn't work on me (but if you want to play that game, sure, my birthday sucks too because it's always on Spring Break so no one ever came to my parties). I can shoot you a Happy Birthday if you want, and I'm sure others that didn't can too. I just don't get how that would make you at all happy, when you're only getting something you've felt the need to request time and time again on your blog. I like reading you, I just don't know how to comment on anything anymore, because being accountable for one's words is something I respect very much and you simply just don't do it. Hence why I read and don't comment, I guess.
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