Friday, September 14, 2007

Pass the KY

"If it ever comes to it, I'm going to start wondering if those people that come lash out at me on my blog should ever ask themselves whether Paxil is right for them."


Ah, it's good to be back! In some ways, you could say that I went through an almost Britney Spears-free week. Seriously. My only news came from Sara's need to see for herself the bomb that was dropped on the MTV VMA's and the 4 pages devoted to it in Us Weekly. Lucky for me, OJ Simpson turned into a thug and all is right in the world.

It's Friday and I'm sure there are several of you with naughty ideas in mind. Well, it is only natural to start thinking of sex when there are no worries on how awful your hair is going to be prior to waking up early. Cum does harden after several hours where it all started with an "Oops, dear!" Either he needs to have better aim or you really ought to rethink throwing off his glasses during bouts of desperate sex where even a hairy overweight male looks good.

For me, I'm just dying to lay on the floor and read comic books. Seriously. I've spent mucho time in bed all this week where there was some sex but finding out that sleeping near a window makes you want to pee more. Yes, it's cooler out there but boyfriends' warm bodies keep girls all snuggly warm. Why is my body temp so hot while Sara's is so freezing cold? We're like complete opposites in this way.

Blogging has kind of lost its edge. Wonderful to hear a good argument about how it might not be considered 'writing' that we do here in cyberspace. Keep in mind, this is from a fictional writer. Is it really all about laying out thoughts or just getting rid of frustrations? I'd like to think what I am doing is something worthwhile and constructive. Or do I sound like an upset teenage girl that cannot seem to stop criticizing her environment all while using "LOL," "ROFL," and "BRB?" Be it, tits, ass, or bush, a girl's gotta get some attention but I've got a dick. No one wants to see that, right?

Except for Sara, of course. That girl has the deepest fascination with penises in all the girls I've slept with. She can hear my zipper unzip from a mile away. I've always said that when a guy takes very good care of his body, be it gym or running, the penis will be worshipped instead of ridiculed.

It's true that a lot of things are kept from me while I'm in Indiana. Sara does not do TV. All my media will come from her parents' house or the occasional newspaper I pick up. For all of you with the need for an image, think of weird white boy sitting at the bar all alone with a copy of USA Today. That was Thursday lunch, mind you. Sara's dad normally comes to this place for lunch but Sara and I didn't know that he had a dentist appointment. Ask me about how I tried looking for him in the courthouse nearby located in deep downtown. It was so nice to see the contents of my wallet x-rayed and make people think I was seeing my parole officer (Sara's dad's occupation). I dig her dad so I went the extra mile even if the chance of me finding him would be slim due to my insane need to be weirded out by sculpted heads.

But I'm fine now. Very, very tired because my lack of getting sleep caught up with me. Sara said I passed out last night. The best impression I can give is when she mimicced me with my mouth wide open to tell me I snored. Only on Thursday night did I actually sleep because the other nights were all about having too much on my mind or receiving a very spectacular blowjob for my birthday. That type of activity just begs me to wonder how a girl learns such a productive event.

Of course, I will get into the week's activities. One thing I learned about myself comes from a sex session where I had a sudden need to control. If you are new to this blog, understand that Sara is submissive. So am I. This creates a problem that is only now seeing a slight solving. I am starting to want control and I get a wee bit aggressive as this turns Sara on. Can we have an honest discussion in saying that some women want a guy to throw them around and fuck them? I mean, really fuck them? How many orgasms are enough because Sara had at least 10.

So, I hope someone missed me. I mean, I know it seems like I don't like blogging when I'm away in Indiana. It's just that I find it hard in an area where my only info comes from the 'Net. For some reason, newspapers help my mind to start rattling off my issues. Plus, I have a girlfriend that pretty much wears me out in discussions on the world issues right before her tongue licks my spine. Happy twats all around.


Samantha Duncan said...

Have you read the short story "Rape Fantasies" by Margaret Atwood?

Samantha Duncan said...

Rape Fantasies - I can't seem to find an online text of it, so you'll have to settle for an annotation:

Or, if you're daring, a Wikipedia entry:

It's a bit more darkly humorous and sociological than your idea, lol. And I should damn well think you've heard of Atwood, as I only mention her every other fucking entry. :D