Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Angry For Some Reason

"Getting a paragraph out of him is like pulling a piano out of a pond."

-Winter Passing

Where, oh, where do I begin with this entry? There is so much on my mind as I type this so I'll just start with the good. That quote above? Since I love Zooey Deschanel, I've been meaning to see that movie for 2 years. Why I waited so long is an answer I just don't have. Lucky for me, it was on the Starz Channel so I had a good enough excuse to put down an employment application temporarily.

Winter Passing is basically about a dour actress going back to her father, a washed up novelist. You will automatically be able to tell that this family is majorly dysfunctional. The dad sleeps outside in a bed (Yes, outside) while having 2 people takeover the house. Would you believe that Will Ferrell isn't always a goofy type o' guy? If you are into writing (Yes, I am hinting at someone), what you can't help is notice the house. The whole damn thing is filled with books. Books on the staircase and to the point that it looks like it just threw up books.

What I liked is that each character has his or her nerousis yet there is no sudden coming to a conclusion to them. They are just fucked and they live with it. Zooey is perfect for playing girls like that and Ed Harris was great as a washed-up novelist that's sort of lost his mind because his wife, another novelist, killed herself. One of the characters asked if the 2 were ever competitive. How 2 workaholic novelists came to marry is an odd one to me but the whole thing is so poetically perverse. Just what is up with Will Ferrell and guitars?

Anyway, 2 other things just came up. The first is about that large bump on my back. It's a cyst. Due to it being rather large, you'll notice it quite fast upon seeing my back. Sara has been ragging on me about getting the damn thing looked at. Only today, something came up and my dad said it looked ready to pop for some strange reason.

After over a year with this large bump, I found myself hunched over the sink as my dad popped/squeezed the damn thing. A cyst is gaseus so there was an instant awful smell that filled the air. Being males, my dad found the white stuff, soft and mushy, interesting and even insisted on me viewing. Gross but that's us boys wanting to see what our body creates, stinky and gross. Oh, and there was a lot to look at as 15-20 minutes was spent getting all of this large bump's contents out. Not overly painful, mind you. My back is extremely strong as the bump was also away from my spine.

I don't know how I feel exactly. That bump has been something I've gotten used to over the years. Obviously, Sara hated seeing it and worried about what it was all 2 years of being with her. Reminds me of how pathetic I am with getting my body checked out ever since I've stopped being sick upon discovering the powers given to me from work outs. The funny thing? The t-shirt I was wearing smells so bad thanks to the cyst's popped gunk getting on it. Yes, they smell that bad, folks, almost like you're suddenly wondering if you need to wash your ass.

The thing that's got me a bit puzzled? Sara had a seizure recently. It might be that she won't be able to drive for 6 months. As far as I know, it happened in the pharmacy while picking up her b.c. pills. Off to waking up in the hospital and not knowing what'll happen til July 3rd is us. I might be going to Indiana tomorrow so don't expect any sort of update after my doctor's appointment on seeing how infected this cyst is (first thing, tomorrow morning). That's life but so many people are still bitching about the Sopranos finale and various trivial things in their blogs. I'm so glad to be away from Diaryland and I hate about 90% of those people now. Happy twats all around.


Dr. K said...

Wow that was disgusting. You popped something that had been growing on you for years! Oh my goodness; once I saw that after a couple of months it wasn't going away, I would have been harassing my doctor. Boys sure are brave.

Sorry to hear about Sara. Something similar happened to one of my students about 3 months ago. Her sister woke up to find her having a seizure. Needless to say, it scared the shit out of the family. She was in the hospital for a week before they found out that she had AVM (arterio-venous malformation), something that is usally caused during fetal development and usually goes undetected until the person has their first seizure in their late teens or twenties.

My student is doing fine now, although she has to get some surgery to treat the condition.

Hopefully Sara will be fine, too. Please send her my best.

Zuzu said...

I love Zooey D and I really enjoyed that film. Did you see Elf? - Zuzu