Thursday, July 26, 2007

I'm Dick Confident

"I am the heat in your kitchen."

-"Milk" by Garbage

Today, I realized I have something very cringeworthy to hide. Located within my line of jerseys is one with the last name of "Vick." How could I? My basic reason for purchasing it 2 years ago was because of the team colors. They match a lot of my favorite sneakers on a cool day. I've yet to decide on what to do with my Michael Vick jersey but I can tell you this. This thing has got to go.

I've been reading up on a few comments in regards to Michael Vick's being an alleged dog fight promoter. Of course, he pleaded not guilty today in court while hundreds of animal lovers collided with those that see the man as being great because he can throw a football around. Gawd, I hate these people, those that think sports are the most important thing around to entertain their fat asses on the weekends. Yes, I know Vick is only being alleged to this dog fighting thing but c'mon. It happened at his house. How many of you keep track of what goes on in your house even if you're not there? Vick's excuse is as reliable as Lindsay Lohan telling Billy Bush that the cocaine wasn't hers.

Bitch, please!

While I'm tired of those that think sports stars are to be worshipped, what made me even more furious is the large amount of comments coming from Vick's old ghetto haunts. It seems that just because he donates backpacks for poor black kids that he deserves a hero's welcome after a long night of watching dogs kill themselves. As if ignorant black people couldn't make themselves look even worse. Ya know, Don Imus had a camp for sick kids. That just erases the whole "nappy headed ho's" shit right there. Gotta love black people. If it's not the demands at the Democratic debate for more apologies over slavery, it's Ebonics and telling us that we need jewelry on our teeth.

I'm a dog lover, plain and simple. I've known about dog fighting for years, seeing as I once worked in a Humane Society. Be it, rabid raccoons or lost poodles, things have passed by my eye thousands of times in regards to the animal society. But dog fighting? Disgusting and immoral to the core. It's glorified in rap videos and one of the many reasons I've grown to hate DMX. Used to like his sound until I noticed the use of pit bulls all around him as an excuse for some form of masculinity that might have escaped him.

I dunno. My dog, as of now, is a little doofus I've nicknamed "5-Pound Phooey." We're pretty much attached at the hip when walking around my neighborhood. At 7 pounds, she's got quite a noisy bark of fury that is clearly her way of telling all that she's hot shit. 2 cats that kicked her ass would like to say otherwise but 5-Pound Phooey doesn't let them get to her.

The use of a dog as some form of upping masculinity angers me. My town is divided in 2 areas, the blacks live up north while the whites are south. Sounds like it's segregated but not really. It's just that the poorer areas are up there, the ones that seem to need a lot of police presence where the local police chief calls it "cultural" (black people problems) or he'll be deemed a racist. Everytime I drive from the north, I see pitbulls or large macho-type dogs being walked by a black guy. Always. In only a few cases (very few), I see a white guy walking one but the dog doesn't have that fighting appearance (cut ear or scars from claws). I'm constantly sickened at how pitbulls, a breed that is actually nice due to a lot of loyalty, is being used for fighting.

But look at me, I walk a little dog that I adore thanks to a hilarious personality you've got to see to believe. There is nothing that tells me I need to make up for being male. I've got a large cock and enormous balls that Sara loves to make known to me each night. No tough dog or badass car for me. My neighbors tend to stare when I walk by topless. While my workouts in the gym are for my own reasons, it is nice to know that I have a body built for sin. Yes, I sin like I mean it. Plus, little old ladies coo when they walk by me. A small dog just begs for a reason to make known that there are some boys with a form of personality to melt away evil non-church goers.

If you must know, my dog for life is a Siberian Husky. My dog, a cute little Yorkshire Terrier, is great but I've always wanted a dog that I can actually run with. Someday, I will have one but, for now, I've got one that absolutely worships me and insists on taking her naps at my side. Yes, 5-Pound Phooey snores like a bulldozer.

Forget about the most graphic explanations I've talked to about in my enjoyment of sex. You wanna know what I'm loving right now? One of the sexiest things about sex is the feeling of how big I am when going at it. I'm much bigger than Sara. When I'm on top of her, thrusting away, it drives me wild to realize that. One girl told me that I make her feel more 'feminine.' Always happy to please so do bend over as I flirt with your girly parts' wetness assessment.

There was a recent showing of Cinemax's new show, something having to do with Las Vegas. What turned me on was that I finally get to feel happy to be big. Much of the time, us weight-lifters don't get to see our bodies put to use in sexual situations. You tiny people are great and all but I wanna feel good about the time spent lifting heavy weight. Lo and behold, a fictional Ultimate Fighter gives his girlfriend a very hard fucking. If you know me, I love pounding that pussy hard so anytime Sara says hers is sore I'm smiling. I don't know about other big guys with shoulders that can engulf a girl but I go for a long, long time and love it. Any kind of soreness down there for me is good, too.

So, I'm outta here as I call it a good day. Got to see one of those large moths fly off when 5-Pound Phooey and I talked to the gardener tonight. She loves to get her head scratched and explore the garden. It's weird to see leaves larger than her. Could it be that she was once an obese fairy? May all your little pussies get sore tonight or this weekend. Happy twats all around.


Samantha Duncan said...

At least dog fighting's more entertaining to watch than football. :D

I'm amused that you harp on black guys for owning pit bulls, then mention your need to be a certain size larger than the female race. You conveyed pretty well that it's not just black guys who use aesthetic things to prove their masculinity.

Wendy said...

my hubby is 6'1" 275 pounds with a 54" chest, 19" calves, 21" neck...he is huge! I am, well you have seen me if you checked my blog recently... I am only 5'3". So, my point is I get the huge vs tiny gig. He could crush me if not careful and possibly perforate my vagina. heh

I hate Vick. Get a black Sharpie, cross out the V insert a D and sell it on ebay.

Samantha Duncan said...

Wendy - Thank you.

Sarcasm really is a lost art these days. I don't dislike dogs. Having only ever been attacked by them as a child, I certainly don't have the same adoration for them as 99% of Americans do, but I'm really more indifferent to them than anything else. My point was that we're an odd society, readily slaughtering other animals for food or entertainment or whatever, but adamantly shunning any use of violence towards dogs, cats, etc. I guess when it comes down to it, that's the Darwinian way. But I still think it's weird that we give domesticated animals a 'free pass' because they're cute and make for good companions.

Wendy said...

sam I totally get sarcasm. That wasn't sarcasm. Sarcasm is an art and I don't think your comment qualifies you as an artist.

Uh, yeah. Torturing innocent dogs is not quite the same as instantly killing a cow, with no pain for food.

Ridiculous attempt at debate.