Thursday, August 23, 2007

Full Of Myself Again

"You still alive, baby?"

-Mr. And Mrs. Smith (the point where she's taken several shots with a shotgun at Mr. Smith while crouched at the top of the stairs)

Damn, how many times have I found myself quoting that movie? Just how many days a week does Mr. And Mrs. Smith play on HBO? Just about everyday and I watch it, just as I do with Jaws and Aliens, because there is some sort of beautifully hidden message on the dangers (but with rewards as well) of marriage. Well, we all know how Sara and I feel about that subject even if it looks like we're stuck with each other for a good long time.

Of course, seeing as how I am pretty much hair-free, that means I will be leaving tomorrow. Don't pout for I will be back soon enough. My statcounter keeps telling me about how much more popular I get each day. It's eerie to know that people seek this blog out a lot. While it took me over a year on my old blog to have people admit that they liked me, Blogger finds itself at less than 3 months where I cannot go by without a bunch of people looking for an update.

Just so you know, I am not single and I am certainly not worth your time to stalk because I can very easily break your arms thanks to weight-lifting and some martial arts. Is it any wonder why Sara says she feels so safe with me on walks all over her town? Let's see your boyfriend make people run away like the evil bunny rabbit from Monty Python's The Holy Grail.

So, I am leaving. There is nothing you can do about it, seeing as a girl misses her boyfriend whom she insists on disrobing somewhere after work. The tired lad, thanks to the cat allergies, does his best to pose (and pose and pose) for her by flexing his biceps and any sort of muscle located within his weirdly distorted body. Sara doesn't like body hair so everything is pretty much off like a prom dress after the prom. Yes, there is a temptation to shave off my leg hair because I'm that goofy and dying to shock Sara like the last time I did that.

Note: My legs were so red and itchy. Remember that? I was bored and took a razor to my legs while watching My Summer Of Love all by my lonesome that night, seeing as Sara was at work. Hated scratching my legs so much the next day but that's not the dumbest thing. THAT would be Bald-O using Nair on his head because he shaves his head every 2/3 days. Boys do dumb things when bored and without the girlfriends that provide them with brain cells.

So, I came across my ex-girlfriend today while paying for the sticker at the DMV. Ours cost $78 so I wasn't in the best of moods while walking by her. Ugh. As I said, the whole meeting had its merits because I took a look at her now lifeless ass. I'm so glad she dumped me and still find it funny to this day that it took only a few days for me to be over her. She, on the other hand, continued to touch me in class.

What's really weird was how my ex told me why she was so shy of me upon our first meeting. It took me a while to get her to sit next to me at the computer while we worked on things for class. The way I look made her so shy since jocks scared her. Oh, dear. Being big may have advantages but sometimes we intimidate the wrong people. Lucky for me, all it takes is for me to open my mouth and let all the weird stuff out. Small girl on my left laughs and laughs throughout the boring class (sign language).

And then there's people I barely know that bring it up. Dennis, a guy that only knows me by my insane need to haunt bookstores pulls up his shirt's short sleeves just to mimic kissing his biceps. I've never walked into this place wearing anything that gives off an appearance or feeling that I put in some time at the gym. It's Sara's complaint that I wear t-shirts far too big for me. It's fun to see how people react to knowing how strong I am but it comes with a price.

Note: I am not complaining because I've got a girlfriend that insists all clothes must come off so she can see everything prior to play. If you've been stuck with boyfriend that has no knowledge of what 'spotting' means, you have no idea what you're missing when it comes to being held up against a wall so easily.

Ah, but I feel like I'm full of myself. It's just that I get in a good mood prior to leaving for Indiana. I know that even if I'll pretty much pass out due to the cat allergies, it's more fun to find a warm naked body right next to me. Yes, I miss sex but there's so much more to it than that. My body's kind of at ease since I sleep better in her big bed.

I've been reading a lot, basically the types of books that slowly get to me. The first, of course, was 'Twilight' by Margeret Mayers. It's a series so the second is what I'm working on now, 'New Moon.' I just got the latest one today, 'Eclipse,' so are you still with me? I've only just now heard of these books that have Harry Potter fans flocking to. A girl, Bella, that goes back to a small town she once lived in finds herself in love with a vampire. Mind you, it's very slow so it's only 200something pages til we get into the good stuff, that being vampire type o' things. As with J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter, the first book is very slow but the next gets deeper since we're now in a battle where Bella has werewolves and vampires fighting for her attention. Doesn't sound like your thing? This type of stuff gets to me because somewhere deep inside I love the folklore of werewolves. Who wouldn't want to feel that kind of freedom to run through the woods like that? I've always said that the best kind of woman out there is the one that runs with the wolves.

*Waves to Colorado*

Oops, I promised a long discussion on my sexual appetite. Pity. I'll have to wait seeing as it'll be better to test things out this weekend. Sara's waiting for me and in hopes that I approve of her new gym that she's thinking of joining. Yes, I'm really curious about it all while wanting to sink my fingers up her wet slit. Sleeping with me has some curious little quirks that she realizes all while wanting to somewhat match me in the fitness department. Sex can wear a girl out, yo. Happy twats all around.


Still just me said...

A wave back from Colorado.

I found your blog from another I read. I hope you don't mind. I was interested after reading a comment you made about readers being afraid to add yours to their favorite reads.

I am a bit of a blogger addict, as I read several daily, and check back often for upates.

Samantha Duncan said...

And I thought the U.S. government was watchful...