Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Love Your Dead Gay Son

Not entirely sure as to what to put here. I'm still a bit tickled over an incident in the shower. Sara, at some point, told me that she'd like me to move here in the future. Mind you, this definitely came out of her mouth along with the usual water she spits out when standing underneath the shower's spout.

To be honest, I was not ready for this. In fact, it surprised me a great deal since we're both a bit wary of making ourselves known on the other's territory. Add a splash of independence and you just might get into Sara and I's mind-set. I like to come and go, especially with a little dog waiting for me at home and a mom that is quite depressed while getting over radiation.

If you don't have allergies, lucky, lucky fucker you are. I can sleep all day with a cat at my side. If there was no picking Sara up for lunch, I'd be out til late evening. Even my hunger for food turns off thanks to the disruption from cat hair getting in my stomach from breathing it in. A shower only helps for so long and that's just what I took recently.

Owen Wilson's possible suicide? Wow. I've been thinking about that every now and then. He looks so annoying but movies with Owen won me over, especially Zoolander. I cry laughing at that movie when that walk-off takes place where Derek and Hansel battle as to who is the best on the walkway.

Why is it that every person caught doing something dumb says something even dumber? Mr. Vick says he found god and this senator looking for some bathroom love tells everyone he's not gay. Since when is being gay a horrible crime? Why do people find it so easy to believe that a bad person suddenly goes good all because he talks of reading the bible, one of the worst fictional books ever written? What Vick did was horrifying. What the naughty senator did was just his natural love of penises.

I've found that Sara's need to express her opinions comes from her dad. Whatever is being discussed on TV by reporters brings out the two of them debating. I like that. I've seen far too many meek girls just sitting there with nothing to say.

Note: Got my birthday presents from Sara. Hopefully, more nudes are on the way that consist of the John Deer variety.

And so I must bid adieu thanks to Sara needing lunch. I'll be back to my long rants soon enough as I'm due for home tomorrow, kids. This computer set-up is hard to type on as I sit here on the bed, a place where you can easily see which side I slept on by the rumbled sheets from all the sweat. It's hard to sleep with a werewolf, yo. But she's the bed hog. Happy twats all around.


Samantha Duncan said...

Ha. I love how, in everything surrounding Larry Craig right now, he feels the most important thing to get out there is that he's not gay. He may have cheated on his wife and solicited sex in a public bathroom, and he's worried the public thinks he's gay??? Interesting priorities, there.

Are you at least going to put some thought into moving to Indiana? It's not like you have anything keeping you where you are, yes? And quite frankly, if you feel more independent shacking up with your parents than having your own place in another state, you've got a weird definition of independence.

Zuzu said...

Shanghai Nights... I love Owen. - Zu