Sunday, October 7, 2007

Come, Smell Her Finger

"You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world."

-Fight Club (words of wisdom from my hero, Tyler Durden)

Would you believe I woke up feeling so good that I wanted to go to work? After yesterday's heat cramps all over my back, it felt so nice to be without pain today. This, apparently, makes me think up really fucked up things like the enjoyment of being deep in the trenches of a place that watches you like a hawk. Don't worry for I have not gone worker ant on you just yet. I'm just testing myself to see how tough I am physically.

Still taking style tips from a gay guy. Of course, that meant asking Hot Scott whether the Superman t-shirt is me. Found out it is so away I go with a blue t-shirt and the feeling that I can bring sexy back with useless comic book memorabilia. Funny how I grew up on the darker characters like Batman and hated the lighter ones like Superman. Perfection is so boring. However, 'boring' is put away when something matches my pretty blue eyes and even a gay guy sees this.

To answer your question, yes, I did see Real Sex's segment on the masturbationthon. While it was interesting, I wasn't turned on at the sight of very ugly women going at it for 6 hours with a vibrator or whatever tool was at their disposal. There is nothing pretty about the sight of a beached whale with badly stained teeth and its panties down while calling out in ecstasy.

What I did take note on is that charity of the masturbationthon itself. I'm pro-choice and anything that helps keep abortion alive is a good thing. We don't need more unwanted children in this world that grow up with idiots for parents. Miss Spears comes to mind. How can a woman decide to go shopping and tanning after losing her kids to a deadbeat? One that sees them as 'mistakes.' It's unbelievable to me that idiots are allowed to produce children. You have to have a license to drive a car, shoot a gun, drink beer (carded, duh), and various other things. Why not require people to have licenses to have kids?

But that's a story all to itself that I'm sure I'll get shit for. Gawd, I'm a realist that is surrounded by idealists that think this world is doing just fine. Say what? Philadelphia is more dangerous than New York. We've an idiot for a president that vows to fight a useless war while asking congress for over 200 billion dollars but no one thought on how to get health insurance for Americans that cannot afford it's hefty price tag. Blackwater's workers are more armed than our armed forces. The head of the armed forces is forced to lie in saying everything is going much better in Iraq. Black people are debating whether Barrack Obama is black enough. Hillary is being scrutinized over her laughter. Could she really be a witch as all that cackling might suggest? Oh, I could go on.

But it is a beautiful thing to see women enjoying their sexuality. How so many men out there enjoy seeing how a woman gets off! Of course, I'm more picky and wish the participants wore bags over their heads because the only thing I see is scientifically interesting. What I like to know is how a woman gets off. Rough? Rubbing? Penetration? I've a firm belief that every woman should masturbate in front of their boyfriend/fiancee/husband in order to show him how she enjoys being fucked/made love to/or just plain fingered. At a high rate of 40% of women not experiencing orgasm, this is a possible sadness brought up by a woman's own damn self. If she doesn't show how, it aint gonna happen. Boys are born with the inner knowledge because it's bred in us to enjoy dirt and know how to squirt once we're placed in a sandbox and a copy of 'Hustler.'

For me, it was 'Playboy' in case you were wondering how I got such great taste and needed teaching from Sara on how to really fuck a girl silly.

Still, the Real Sex fire dancers are just plain fascinating at how they use fire in their sex show. Just how can you hold onto large sticks of flame while going at it doggy style? Me, I've got to pull her hair or grab some cheek to get things going. How long til Sara finds out that fire can be erotic? I'm so not a player with matches.

But I've no interest in sexual discussions or my own belief on how the world should be ruled. What I have seen time and time again is how people forget about those that are handicapped. Why oh why does it take MTV to show the problems of growing up with dwarfism? I was lucky to come across that True Life show where they caught up with past people to see how things have changed. Remember that 3-foot blonde dwarf in college? She got engaged and scolded on revealing how dwarves wipe their butts with something that looks like a shoe horn. I'm serious in saying that other lil' people don't want their secrets shown. Well, it's sad to see people still insisting on people with disabilities holding back the issues they face. Having arms that barely reach the sink has some very obvious problems.

Time and time again, I've written how deaf people would love to be able to break free from talking to the same people over and over again. They're in a sect where these are the only people that can hear what they have to say. Do you know sign language? See? You might not be able to 'hear' them as they can't physically hear you. That's why I love to show deaf people that I can sign, even if a bit slow here and there. When I signed to the deaf guy at work, you should have seen how happy he was to know someone could 'talk' to him.

Ugh, I feel like I'm standing on a soap box again. I've got a Superman t-shirt yet I don't feel like I'm super in any way. I keep replaying last year's Christmas Day over and over again where I fell asleep on Sara's mom's shoulder while watching the Beatles's Hard Day's Night. Not that I was bored with the flick, it was good fun. It's just that I came to Indiana after working a lot of hours and wanted to sleep with Sara. Her mom found it funny, too, because I was really at peace after dealing with a job I hated with a passion. Memories keep me alive, I guess. Old Nick says hi to y'all. Happy twats all around.


Still just me said...

I agree, a woman must show her man what she wants, and how she wants it. My first marriage of 18 years was strictly missionary, nothing else.

My second husband asked me to show him what I wanted, and although I was very shy about it at first, I complied. I am very glad I did, as he has opened up a whole new experience for me.

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